SecureField℠ Method

When you need the flexibility of your own form, securely.


The value.js SecureField℠ method provides a simple to integrate payment and credit_card tokenization solution for your ecommerce site that works with your custom forms.

Since value.js integrates your site with the kernel you get turnkey access to all of these resources:

Direct Processor Destinations

  • TSYS
  • Litle
  • Mercury
  • Heartland Payment Systems
  • SecureNet
  • Sage Payments US
  • Stripe

Gateway Destinations

  • Inspire Commerce
  • Network Merchants (NMI)
  • USAePay
  • Authorize.Net

Custom Destinations

  • PassThrough (build your own)

Payment Cards:

  • Secure Input
  • Single Use Tokens
  • Destination Agnostic Vaulting


  • Transact With Single Use or vaulted card against any destination

Give value.js SecureField℠ a try

Adding value.js to your site

  1. Include the value.js script and configuration on your site's checkout page. There are additional SecureField℠ configuration options and definitions below.
                      <script src='' type="text/javascript"></script>
                          window.valueio_write_only_token = "497aa694-297b-4204-8f51-b86dd0ec5a38";
                          window.valueio_form_selector = "#your-checkout-form";
                          window.valueio_secure_number_selector = "#payment-card-number";
                          window.valueio_secure_month_selector = "#payment-card-month";
                          window.valueio_secure_year_selector = "#payment-card-year";
                          window.valueio_secure_security_code_selector = "#payment-card-security-code";
                          window.valueio_method = 'secure_field';
                          window.valueio_amount = '$1.00';
                          window.valueio_first_name = "Gregoria"
                          window.valueio_last_name = "Altenwerth"
                        <form onsubmit="alert('Thank you for your payment!'); return false" id="your-checkout-form">
                            Credit Card Number
                            <input type='text' id='payment-card-number' placeholder='4111 1111 1111 1111'></input>
                            Credit Card Expiration Month
                            <input type='text' id='payment-card-month' placeholder='01'></input>
                            Credit Card Expiration Year
                            <input type='text' id='payment-card-year' placeholder='17'></input>
                            Credit Card Security Code
                            <input type='text' id='payment-card-security-code' placeholder='123'></input>
                          <button type="submit">Pay Now</button>
  2. When the credit card or payment form has been successfully submitted, your site's checkout form will be submitted including the credit card or payment record identifier in a hidden field.
  3. Your site retrieves the credit card or payment record from with a server to server request (see: kernel documentation).

SecureField℠ Configuration Documentation


(Required) a token associated with your account with the write_only role
(Optional) the name of the field in which the secure token will be sent
(Optional) default is secure_form, alternate option is secure_field
(Optional) the id of a previously created untransacted payment record
(Optional) default is payments, alternate option is credit_cards
(Optional) in addition to posting the merchants form with the secure field, can also redirect to a url instead
(Optional) user defined callback method to be called on value secure form or secure field success
(Optional) user defined callback method to be called on value secure form or secure field failure
(Optional) user defined callback method to be called on value secure form cancel

Data Collection

These configurations allow for multiple modifications. All configurations may be used to define values, modified to specify the css selector for collecting values via a form field '_selector' or even modified to treat the form elements like credit card data using '_secure'.

Default = '#checkout-form'
(Optional) css selector for the form element of your site's checkout page

Credit Card Specific Data

Sensitive Credit Card data fields such as these are never submitted back to your server with the form submission. They may be transacted against or retrieved with the secure token using a follow up server to server request.
Default = '#payment-card-brand', '#credit_card_brand'
(Optional) This is the css selector for the credit card brand input element of your site's checkout page.
Default = '#payment-card-number', '#credit_card_number'
(Optional) This is the css selector for the credit card number input element of your site's checkout page.
Default = '#payment-card-month', '#credit_card_month'
(Optional) This is the css selector for the credit card expiration month input element of your site's checkout page.
Default = '#payment-card-year', '#credit_card_year'
(Optional) This is the css selector for the credit card expiration year input element of your site's checkout page.
Default = '#payment-card-security-code', '#cvv', '#credit_card_cvv'
(Optional) This is the css selector for the credit card security code input element of your site's checkout page.
Default = 'false'
(Optional) This dertimines whether created credit card records are stored in the credit card vault or not. Accepted values are 'false' (default), 'true', or 'collect'. Set to 'collect' if you will have a 'save card' checkbox on your form.

Billing Data

You may use these fields as shown below to specify the form field css selector. If you remove '_selector' you are free to simply define the value directly. You may also add '_secure' with '_selector' after 'window.valueio' to treat these fields like the Secure Credit Card data above.
Default = '#first-name', '#billing_first_name'
(Optional) css selector for the billing first name input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#last-name', '#billing_last_name'
(Optional) css selector for the billing last name input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#address-1', '#billing_address_1'
(Optional) css selector for the billing street address 1 input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#address-2', '#billing_address_2'
(Optional) css selector for the billing street address 2 input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#city', '#billing_city'
(Optional) css selector for the billing city input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#state', '#billing_state'
(Optional) css selector for the billing state input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#zip', '#billing_postcode'
(Optional) css selector for the billing zip input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#country', '#billing_country'
(Optional) css selector for the billing country input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#phone', '#billing_phone'
(Optional) css selector for the phone input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#email', '#billing_email'
(Optional) css selector for the email input element of your site's checkout page
(Optional) This dertimines whether a payment record is automatically transacted against a back end processor, against a terminal, or not transacted. Accepted values are 'true' (default), 'false', and 'terminal'.
(Optional) This Specifies a terminal slug to transact against if window.valueio_transact is set to 'terminal'
(Optional) This dertimines whether the form automatically submits with configured data on page load. Accepted values are 'true' or 'false'(default).

Other Transactional Data

You may use these fields as shown below to specify the form field css selector. If you remove '_selector' you are free to simply define the value directly. You may also add '_secure' after 'window.valueio' to treat these fields like the Secure Credit Card data above.
Default = '#store_credit_card', FALSE
(Optional) css selector for the save credit card input element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#amount'
(Optional) css selector for the order amount element of your site's checkout page
Default = '#order-number'
(Optional) css selector for the order number element of your site's checkout page